The meaning of life…

I have been pondering the meaning of life recently, I first thought that the meaning of life is to live but that’s nonsense. Then it occured to me that maybe, just maybe, sentient life is the point of the universe because we are the only ones who can observe it and define anything in the universe. For now I’ll stick with my long held belief that there is no point to life.

So , imaginary commenters, what do you think?

Same-sex marriage in the U.k

As you may know there has been some controversy in the U.K concerning same-sex marriage, the government is planning on making it legal; but the decision has attracted some criticism, mainly from the Catholic church (surprise!). Quite frankly these condemnations are bloody ludicrous, founded on outdated research; and when I say outdated I mean by around two thousand years. While not all Catholics hold these opinions the minority who do are extremely vocal.

Bonzo vs The Loon.

John ‘Bonzo’ Bonham and Keith ‘the loon’ Moon are two of the greatest drummers of all time, but who was better? I will not only consider their musical talent, the more important question is “who would you rather party with?”. While Bonzo was more reserved when playing Keith’s style resembled what might happen if someone gave a monkey a drum kit and a bag of meth. Although Bonzo probably had the upper hand in musical talent, Keith was the embodiment of rock; he didn’t take shit from anyone and he blew up toilets with dynamite. I like to keep post length to a minimum so I’ll just say this; you’d rather have Bonham in your band but you would rather party with the loon (if he hadn’t already taken all your drugs).

Winner: The Loon, feel free to dispute this though.